What is ELSA?
The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) is the world's largest Network of Law students and young Lawyers. ELSA is present in 43 European countries with over 400 local chapters and nearly 70,000 individual members.
ELSA is politically impartial and independent. Through its activities, ELSA promotes inclusive legal education and social responsibility for the next generation of legal professionals globally in the spirit of mutual respect and cultural awareness.
What is ELSA Traineeships?
ELSA Traineeships is ELSA's oldest project. ELSA Traineeships provide law students and young lawyers with legal work experience. These opportunities are offered by Traineeship Providers active in different jurisdictions and legal sectors.
When can you apply for the ELSA Traineeships Programme?
There are two application periods per year in the Autumn and the Spring, respectively.
The start dates and duration of ELSA Traineeships vary depending on each Traineeship Provider. These details are explained for each ELSA Traineeship in the publication of the vacancy during the application period.
Why should you choose the ELSA Traineeships Programme?
For the simplicity with which you can apply. The ELSA Traineeships Programme is administered by ELSA which include:
• Receiving and verifying all Traineeship Specification Forms submitted by Traineeship Providers;
• Promoting the Traineeship vacancies twice a year;
• Verifying all Application Forms submitted by applicants*;
• Communicating directly with Traineeship Providers and applicants;
• Facilitating the initial contact between Traineeship Providers and applicants;
• Assisting the Trainees before and during the Traineeship.
* The final choice of Trainee candidates is always made by Traineeship Providers.
Is there any application FEE?
ELSA Members may apply for free for ELSA Traineeships.
For Traineeships Providers: Providing Traineeships through ELSA is free. The only requirement is that the Traineeship Provider must provide sufficient remuneration for the Trainees for their work.
External Applicants, i.e. individuals based in a country where no ELSA Group exists, may apply for ELSA Traineeships against the payment of:
• €26 fee to ELSA International via PayPal if they want to participate in both cycles
• €16 fee if they want to participate in one cycle only
What kind of traineeships do you offer?
ELSA Traineeships are offered in different jurisdictions around the world.
ELSA Traineeships provide a cross-cutting picture of the true diversity of the legal profession. ELSA Traineeships may be offered at any Organisation active in the legal sector (e.g. law firms, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental organisations, legal clinics, courts, consultancy firms, publishing houses, research institutes, law faculties, etc.)
During our cycles, ELSA provided approximately 200 ELSA Traineeship vacancies at over 110 Traineeship Providers operating in 25 different countries in and outside of Europe.
What will you do during the traineeship?
Trainees are adopted in the work environment as the Traineeship Provider's team members.
The tasks of each Traineeship may vary. They are decided by each Traineeship Provider respectively. Traineeship Providers may seek Trainees for general supportive tasks or specific projects requiring specific skills.
The details of and requirements for each Traineeship vacancy are explained in the publication of the vacancy during the application period on the ELSA Traineeships website.
Will you be supported by someone during the traineeship?
ELSA supervises the proper execution of ELSA Traineeships.
Trainees are supported before and during the Traineeship vacancy. Each Trainee is assigned to a hosting ELSA Group that is in charge of proper reception of the Trainee before and during the traineeship.